Over a long weekend from the 25th to the 28th of January, I and three other swedish guys (Maxim, Karl and Christofer) went to Cameron Highlands, a colder place in Malaysia.
It's considered to be a cool and pitoresque retreat filled with high altitude tea plantations that covers the mountains as high as 2000m over the sea level.

We stayed at a nice but oddly shaped gueshouse that looks like a bunker style half tube.

We took two half day tours with our guide Kumar, who tought us everything about the leafs and trees in the jungle - it's amazing how useful some of the plants can be. Kumar also took us to a remote tribe village, that we reached by Landrover. It was an interesting experience to see how people live without what we call civilization. During the tours we also went to see the Boh Tea Estate with plantages and a factory.
While being around we went for some jungle tours with Kumar and by ourselves. We also went to see a butterfly garden and a strawberry farm.

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